Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Another Day ~~~

June 30th 2015

Hey Everyone..  Well the days are slowly passing.. My life is pretty boring at this moment.. hard to believe.... ME the Dog Park Queen on the sidelines for SO long..
   My days are pretty much spent in our living room except for my short walkies in the yard and occassionally if Mom & Dad are gonna watch something on TV they will bring me in the Den with them.  Mom was sweet and moved her desk computer down to the dining room so she can watch me closely and keep me company.. then I don't have to wear the Dreaded "Cone of Shame"  You dogs know what I'm talking about!
    I feel a "bit" guilty having Mom & Dad sleep on the floor with  me, but I am not ready just yet for major stairs  ( well I THINK I'm ready) but the doctor says NO yet.. 
Mom  & Dad don't want me to be alone all night AND they don't want me to be uncomfortable wearing the cone all night  (if they are not there to pay attention to me)
Over all Mom said I've been VERY good about NOT licking  it..  

It was a tad red in one spot yesterday.. but Mom said she "THINKS" its on the mend now.

Its still a tad red.. but has gotten better since yesterday... 
I lost one of my Staples too ..... Oops.. sure hope it doesn't end up in some ones Foot..
ROTFBOL  (rolls on the floor barking out loud) for those of you who do not speak dog.
All my stitches have pretty much dissolved too.
I got in to the Vet on Thursday..    Mom is hoping he says I can go up and down the stairs (on a leash ) a couple times a day so they can sleep in their bed again... 
I love when Mom comes in by me and sits and rubs my legs. .or ices it or puts heat on it..
I always roll on my back to get a good belly rub too.  :)

  I must admit I  LOVE all the extra loving and attention..  All in all I am doing ok.  I miss going to the Dog park, and I miss playing in the back yard every day for my Work outs.   I am jealous of my 2 kid sisters cause they get to go out and run around.. but Mom explained that THEY have to have their exercise and keep in shape While I'm recovering..
Hmph..  Personally I think they should BOTH have to suffer as long as I do!!!! 
But what Mom says goes.............. 
  Hope you all  have a  Happy Tuesday.  Take care..    Kisses... Lolita ~~~