Thursday, April 28, 2016

Vet Up Date

April 28th  2016

Hey Gang..    As some of you may of known I have been having some trouble with my knee the past few months ... the one I had surgery on in June of 2015
Seems when I play I get super stiff and it takes several days for me to move around easily again...   
Mom & Dad were worried that I may of re torn the ligaments or the pin they put in may of popped out...
So yesterday I visited the Vet Man....   They had a Free First appointment.. so lucky it didn't cost my folks anything...  (whew)..

Any way.....

I got to the vet and after Mom check in I  had to check the place out a bit..

Sadly it wasn't very busy so I wasn't able to show off to people like I SO enjoy doing.. BOL..
They took me in to the room..    They weighed me first...  I am a healthy 64 pounds..
Altho mom says she likes me better at around 62.   Geez.....
Waiting for the Vet I practiced my best smiles...

When I thought I had them down Pat I laid down and relaxed..  
When the Vet man came in I did my customary... rub my belly pose....... 
Vet checked my knee very very well....   He bent it this way and that way and flexed it and pushed on it and moved my ankle joint and my paw .. he wiggled each of my toes...  really examined it well.
He said it did NOT feel that there was any need to worry about more tearing. And he said he highly doubted the pin had come loose..
He said the only way to know  for sure was xrays.. but he said he really didn't think they were necessary.
He said that he felt it just got tired and sore from running/playing on it...  and he said it could be that Arthrits was worse in that leg now since the surgery.  he told Mom to let me play and just not to "push" me.. he also said the More swimming the better
I HOPE YOU HEARD THAT MOM!!!!!!!!    He gave Mom some pain meds to give me for the swelling and stuff now and then... and he said that when we could afford them daily joint supplements would be a good idea too... 
 He DID say that there could be a SMALL  a VERY small chance that I could have a tumor in that leg.... BUT he said 90% of the time when that is the case.. the leg just keeps getting worse and worse and doesn't have good days and bad days. He felt that with my engery  level and  how I was eating and stuff it was a very slim chance and not to really even worry about it unless stuff changed...

SO..  I guess I will just have to live with the occassional Limp and being stiff some times..
Vet said the warmer weather..  IF  we ever get warmer weather.... will make it feel better too.
So that is my Knee News.......

Here are a few pictures of me enjoying my time in the van.
Hope everyone is well

Until next time....  Lots of Love....             Lolita ~~~