Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Another Day ~~~

June 30th 2015

Hey Everyone..  Well the days are slowly passing.. My life is pretty boring at this moment.. hard to believe.... ME the Dog Park Queen on the sidelines for SO long..
   My days are pretty much spent in our living room except for my short walkies in the yard and occassionally if Mom & Dad are gonna watch something on TV they will bring me in the Den with them.  Mom was sweet and moved her desk computer down to the dining room so she can watch me closely and keep me company.. then I don't have to wear the Dreaded "Cone of Shame"  You dogs know what I'm talking about!
    I feel a "bit" guilty having Mom & Dad sleep on the floor with  me, but I am not ready just yet for major stairs  ( well I THINK I'm ready) but the doctor says NO yet.. 
Mom  & Dad don't want me to be alone all night AND they don't want me to be uncomfortable wearing the cone all night  (if they are not there to pay attention to me)
Over all Mom said I've been VERY good about NOT licking  it..  

It was a tad red in one spot yesterday.. but Mom said she "THINKS" its on the mend now.

Its still a tad red.. but has gotten better since yesterday... 
I lost one of my Staples too ..... Oops.. sure hope it doesn't end up in some ones Foot..
ROTFBOL  (rolls on the floor barking out loud) for those of you who do not speak dog.
All my stitches have pretty much dissolved too.
I got in to the Vet on Thursday..    Mom is hoping he says I can go up and down the stairs (on a leash ) a couple times a day so they can sleep in their bed again... 
I love when Mom comes in by me and sits and rubs my legs. .or ices it or puts heat on it..
I always roll on my back to get a good belly rub too.  :)

  I must admit I  LOVE all the extra loving and attention..  All in all I am doing ok.  I miss going to the Dog park, and I miss playing in the back yard every day for my Work outs.   I am jealous of my 2 kid sisters cause they get to go out and run around.. but Mom explained that THEY have to have their exercise and keep in shape While I'm recovering..
Hmph..  Personally I think they should BOTH have to suffer as long as I do!!!! 
But what Mom says goes.............. 
  Hope you all  have a  Happy Tuesday.  Take care..    Kisses... Lolita ~~~




Saturday, June 27, 2015


June 27th  2015

Happy Weekend Pals. Wish I could say I was having a Happy Weekend.
I am SO bored!!   I am NOT the kind of lab that enjoys laying aroung too much.. I like to run & play and take care rides and go to Dog parks.. All things I CAN'T to right now.
Oh sure.. I like a good Power Nap as much as the next Lab... but only after a good work out..
Mom says Patience......
  Last night Dad Joined us for the "Slumber Party"   
Mom Said he didn't have too... but he said I'm "His daughter too"...   hmph.. Just between You & Me...  I just think he is afraid to sleep alone... BOL....
Crystal and Delores slept in the dining room next to us..  Crystal woke us all up early..  She has No consideration for anyone but herself..

Mom fed me and gave me my medication and took me out side..   Then a bit later she gave me my "heat therapy"  I think they should of "hired" a professional for this.. but What do I know.. I'm just a Lab......... sigh
Mom said she thinks my knee MAY look a "tad" swollen.. but I think its doing ok..
I wish I knew how to Read.. at least I could do THAT to pass the time...  I was thinking about writing a screen play......... but  maybe some other time.....
So for now I shall just lay here.. sulk,  think about Coachie.. and dream of when I can run and chase my tennis ball again... 

Until Next time Friends  ~~~~

Friday, June 26, 2015

SO good to be back home!

June 26th 2015

Well may I just say that the "Dorthy Girl" was right.. There IS No place like Home... 
Mom slept down stairs on the floor with me all night..    I should really say "slept"  its more like she tossed and turned and grumbled about her ribs and back and neck... BOL... 
   Probably didn't help either that several times during the night I had to have "woogle fits" and roll all over by Mom wanting her to pet my belly.. 
This is me around  3 a.m   BOL~~~

But It just felt So good to be out of that cage!! 
   Mom took some pictures of my Owie again today..   She said it seems to be healing good

Mom has to take me out on a leash, but I've been being very good and doing my "duty" quickly.. It was sprinkling this morning
Honestly tho.... I am waiting for a time we are having a nice juicy thunder storm with rain etc.. then I am gonna need to sniff & spin forever before I go.
Hey... I gotta have alittle fun while I'm rehabing right??   (wink)
   Any way ~~~  The mail came today and I got a little care package from my sweet Boy Friend Coach..  He is so good to me!!  :)


I can't wait to get into those Yogurt Treats   YUM!!!!!

Mom was rubbing my leg today and she told me it could could be a good 6 to  8 MORE weeks before I can really run and play and have fun
6 to 8 more WEEKS???  
No NO!!

This was suppose to be the SUMMER OF LOLITA!!!!!     (extremely sad ears) 
But Mom says It "is what it is"  what ever THAT means.......... 
So I guess I will have to just keep amusing myself with  Late night Woogles and Long Potty times... (snickers in paw)

Oh.. and in case you were wondering... The "Gruesometwo" have not been allowed to get "near me" yet.  Mom wants to try and wait until my stitches come out before she lets those 2 Loons near me..   (No rush by ME Mom) 
  Until next time Pals..  
Kisses Lolita

From Lolita's Mom
Lolita is doing well... but Man, sleeping on the floor at 48 is NOT easy.. how did I do that all those years at slumber parties.. You'd think it would be easier NOW.. I got alot more padding.. HA
Any way..  Lita is walking almost perfect.. I am seeing that this is NOT gonna be easy to keep her almost completely quiet for the next week and then have to SLOWLY increase her activities as time goes on..  She is NOT one to just wanna lay around.. and Crystal and Delores wanna get in by her so bad.. so THEY are restless too..  ugh..
Wish us luck...

Thursday, June 25, 2015

I'm HOME!!!!!

June 25th  2015

Hi Everyone. Such a wonderful day!  I got to come home today.  I was So excited when I saw Mom & Dad.  And when we walked out to the car I was wiggling so much I could hardly stand it.    I kept looking at Mom to be sure we were really going home... 

   When we pulled up in my drive way I was smiling from ear to ear. 
   I got in and Mom brought me to my "Special Recovery Room" All decked out just for me
I'm not allowed to jump, that is why the little love seat is flipped over.. BOL!! 
I have my own "eating and drinking area" too
Mom gave me a dentastix.  It tasted SO good.  
My sisters were glad to see me.. I guess I was "alittle" glad to see them
Mom made sure I was all comfy.  She said she would take more pix. of me tomorrow. 
after I've had a chance to relax a little bit.. 

I will be so happy to curl up to my Mom tonight and sleep.  No barking dogs,  no cold cage..
It will be amazing.
Until next time pals..   take care and I will blog more soon..

Friday, June 19, 2015

Hey Everyone!!!

June 19, 2015

Hello Friends. 
Well I made it through my surgery yesterday.   I woke up Thursday Morning, Ordered the  "Meat Lovers Breakfast"  (which I DIDN'T get)  Then a while later some nice people came and pet me and talked to me.. and took me out side to go Potty. Then they brought me in and Stuck a Needle in my leg.. (how rude!)
I started to feel very sleepy.. I THOUGHT maybe it was from starvation for  NOT having any breakfast.. but pretty soon I was off in dream land ... dreaming about my Handsome Boy Friend Coach   :)

Next thing I knew I was waking up to the soft talking of one of these nice people who work here.
I was very groggy... but I still managed to ask what was on the Menu for Lunch.. BOL
She said I wouldn't be allowed to eat until dinner time..   Lucky I was so sleepy or I would of demanded to speak to Management..
 ... Any way.. I slept for a couple of  hours and then I was helped from my cage and a couple of people rubbed my leg with some laser thing to help It heal.
It felt SO nice..  Then they pet me and gave me a bit of water to drink..  Then I slept for a while longer. 
   They took me out of my cage in the evening and  a nice person watched me eat the MEASLEY
portion of kibble I was given..  Sigh... They said  I had to eat LIGHT the first day.. 
    They gave me a couple shots for the pain, so I fell asleep and slept pretty much all night.
Its nice to sleep with out the smell from Delores and Crystal all around me..  BOL
   Today, Friday I woke up much more alert. People keep walking by my cage and saying Hi to me and a few have pet me.

  I got my breakfast.. it was a normal sized portion of Kibble.
Altho I asked for the country Omlete with the Fresh Fruit Salad.... 
Gotta remember to fill out the little "comment card" by my bed...
    I got my laser treatment and went outside to potty.
  Everyone has been very nice and they all say I am such a good happy girl..
   I am ready to go home NOW.. but they say it will be a few more days..   sigh.............
   I am gonna  ask to use an IBONE so maybe I can text you guys alittle bit..
I MISS you all!! 
  For some reason we can't  get pictures to down load on my blog.. So Mom will post one of me on Facebook and on Twitter.
take care everyone..
More later ~~~~  I  ordered a  French Massage and a Pawicure..  SO hopefully they will be coming in soon.       xxxx Lolita 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

From Lolita's Mom Lisa

June 18, 2015

Hello to all my friends and Lolita's friends.
Lolita came through her surgery with Flying colors. Surgeon said all went well and there were No "Surprises" 
I was talking to the Tech (nurse) and she said "Lolita is such a sweetie pie" So loving and SO smiley"  Yep.. that's our girl. 
   Called tonight and she was resting. They only gave her a bit of food and water because they don't want her to get sick from the Anastesia they gave her.  They said she ate what they gave her tho  ( I don't doubt that) LOL!  She is being given Pain management
shots and got some laser Therapy already today to help the wound heal.
I am sure she will have plenty to say tomorrow.
Thank you for all the good thoughts..
We are still a tad short on her fund, so if you haven't given, and would like to, please go to this link.  Hugs

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


June 17th  2015

Hello, Here's an update
   Was very hard not getting my breakfast this morning while the Other 2 Dorks ate.  :(
  Then Mom was looking a lot like the "Walking Dead" from having to get up at 7:50 in the Morning..
   So Mom & Dad Load me in the Van on a gloomy rainy day and take me to the vet.
  They tried to weigh me.. but I kept wiggling around so the numbers jumped all over.. but they THINK I gained a pound or 2..  but HEY  YOU sit around doing NOTHING for 23 days and see what happens..  Sheesh.
  So then we have to wait for the Tech Lady to come talk to us..  I amused myself by wagging my tail, smiling at people and as mom said "making a fool" of myself.

  Then a nice lady takes us in back and starts explaining a few things to Mom & Dad
and asks them to sign some paper work INCASE Something happens to me..
Slight chance.. but you never know..
They talk a few more minutes then its time for me to go with the Tech Lady..
I can see Mom is getting a big sad. .. so I roll on my back for a tummy rub from them..
Then refuse to get up..  BOL!!! 
They finally get me up and back I go..  Mom was sad ..  She tried to be brave.. but I could tell. 
   OK.. so they take me to my "room"  WAIT just a minute............... I asked for the
Jacuzzi Suite with the Garden View???
This is a Cage.. a CAGE for a COMMON Lab... not a Diva like me..  Sigh  (remember to

complain on YELP later) 
   After a while a nice lady comes back and gives me some food.. FOOD?  Is my surgery over with already? Was it just some magic wand they waved over me to make me better?? 
NO... it ends up 2 Vets didn't come in... so MY Vet has to cover their shifts...
SO my surgery is postponed until Thursday Morning.
They asked Mom if she wanted to come back and get me and bring me back tomorrow morning.... but they decided to have me stay here..
They said it would be easier with the NO food rule in the morning and stuff..
(( Yeah RIGHT.. more like MOM doesn't want to drag her lazy butt outta bed AGAIN
Thursday.. sigh)) but its ok.
I will keep busy  by  smiling and people and looking cute.  :)
Keep those good thoughts coming Pals and  PLEASE if you can pitch in.  we are very VERY close.. 

Hugs  Lolita


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Tomorrow is the Big Day Pals...

June  16th,  2015

Well My Friends.. Tomorrow is my Surgery day (6/17)  Ironically exactly 1 Month before my 9th Birthday..  Huh...

To say I am NOT at all worried would  sorta be a lie.. I am a bit worried. I've only had 1 surgery in my life.. and I was just a kid then.. when I was spayed... this is a whole different thing. They will be cutting into my bone, and moving muscle and Ligaments around.  Making new Ligaments to help my Knee be more sturdy.

Mom and Dad have to have me in at the Vet between  6:30  and  9 a.m
Gonna be REALLY hard for my Mom to get up..  she usually doesn't "rise & shine" until about 10:30 or so..  (( too bad Mom )) BOL

Bad part is.. I can't have ANY food after 10 p.m  that means NO breakfast Tomorrow morning.
I asked my 2 sisters if they would "fast" with me.. They just laughed.. ( guess thats a NO0 sigh. No water after 11 p.m  but Mom said I can have a ice cube or 2  to help.....

Mom figures my surgery should be done and I should be waking up around 1 in the afternoon.   So Mom will let everyone know how it went..  
Then I will be staying at the Vet to "recoop" and get mild Therapy for about a week.
Vet feels this is best cause they can keep a close watch on me AND keep me very quiet.
Mom says GOOD LUCK on that. .. because I LOVE people and I love to roll on my back and get belly rubs when ever I see anyone..   We will see how it goes.. 

Please Keep me in your thoughts tomorrow Gang.. and IF the unforseen should happen Please know that you are all very SPECIAL in my life and the friendship we've had has been wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
                                                         Many Labbie Kisses    
PS              Mom and Dad STILL have to pay the remaining amount for my Surgery.. So
                  Please PLEASE if you have any way of helping it would mean SOOO much to all
                  of  us.. And thank you so much to those who have pitched in!!! 
                   Please keep spreading the word!!!!  xoxo


Saturday, June 13, 2015

Message from my Mom

June 13, 2015

My husband and I  can't even begin to Thank everyone that has helped us out with Lolita's  Surgery Fund so far.
We are truely amazed at the out pouring of LOVE from SO many of you.
Many we barely know!  To see such wonderful People Step up and pitch in.. when our OWN FAMILIES don't even wanna help... well that just makes our hearts feel good!!!!
As one of Lolita's followers said...  "you hear about so much bad in the world, but there IS good"   
We hope that each of you know that you have really helped lessen the burden for my husband and I.  We are really having some rough times, and now that MY Mom &  Dad are both gone  (and by the way THEY would of helped FOR SURE)  we are struggling to make it day by day. 
  Lolita will keep you informed on  how she is doing every few days on this blog.
Its gonna be a LONG road for HER  (and US)  we have NO idea HOW we are gonna keep her "quiet" for ANOTHER 6-8 weeks after surgery...
but it will be SO well worth it when we can see our Girl run and play again. 
      Enjoy the rest of the weekend and  please if you can..
Keep spreading the word.   
Lolita's Mom .... Lisa


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Update ~~~

June 9th  2015

Hey Friends.  Well We are still frantically trying to raise a little ore money so I can get my surgery.. I am so bored just laying around.  Its been since May 25th that I have been able to run & Play. 
Mom was outside with my sisters today... I thought maybe I could play ball too.. I walked out side ALL happy...

But Mom ignored me. She wouldn't even toss my ball ONCE.  They say its for my "own" good.  Vet Man said I can't hurt my injured leg any more.. its completely torn. .. but he said I might hurt the OTHER one by putting too much pressure on it.  sigh...
SO I am  on  Injured Reserve until I am all better.
  Such a nice day too.  Would love to go swimming.
Any way  ~~~
   As soon as we get a bit more I will be able to get my surgery.
So if you have been wanting to give and have not yet.. PLEASE PLEASE do.. 
Love & Labbie licks

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Blood Work...

June 6th  2015

Well got my blood work back.  Vet says EVERYTHING looks great!  :)  My White & Red counts are great.. Kidney & Liver Functions are great...
I was Negative on my Heartworm test..
The vet said all looks good for surgery as soon as we can afford it. 
    Today was Hard..  it was a lovely Saturday. I wanted to play SOO badly..
SO sick of not being able to play..
If you can help.. or if you know anyone who could.. PLEASE PLEASE
go to my Fund and donate. 
Thanks so much. 
Hugs    Lolita  ~~~


Thursday, June 4, 2015

Saw the Surgeon Man today ~~

June  4th  2015

Hi Everyone.. So here I am happily walking into the vet today.
Not sure why Mom & Dad are so "freaked" out about this.. Its FUN going to the vet. 
  Any way.. The Big Surgeon Vet was very nice.. Mom says he is "easy on the eyes"  What ever THAT  means.. BOL..
Maybe it meant he didn't give her a "headache"   BOL
He was surprised when Mom said I was almost 9!! He said I ACT like I'm 2 or 3.  (snickers in paw)

He moved my leg and felt my Knee and could tell right away that my CCL is completely Torn.  Even Mom & Dad could see my knee cap move.
Mom and Dad asked alot of questions.  They all feel  the TTA Surgery will be the VERY best option for an active girl like me

   Here are some of the things we learned..
   After I have the Surgery I will stay at the Vet Hospital for about a week. Mom & Dad can visit me, but this is the best way to give my body a good head start on healing and keep me quiet and well rested. I won't have my 2 sisters bugging me either.. They will give me all my food and all my medications, do light therapy on me too.  They will be cutting into the bone.. so the bone needs to heal well.
  I will go home with some meds and probably pain Meds..  after another week Mom will take me back to have my stitches removed and Dr. Long will check me over. After 3 weeks I will be able to start taking short calm leash walks. (yeah.. GOOD LUCK WITH THAT MOM & DAD)  BOL
At around 6 weeks I will see the Doctor again and if all is healing well I will be good to go after that.  Might need an extra week.. but he said NORMALLY 6 to 8 weeks is the average..
  The vet said there is a slight chance in time I could injure the other leg ..  but he said for me he figures about a 20% chance... thats a chance Mom & Dad are willing to take.
The doctor took some blood from me to check all my levels and Kidneys, liver and Blood counts.. just to be sure all is good and there isn't anything  "sneaky" going on inside me..  but he thinks all should be good. 
 Best part is.. he said when I am all done and off restrictions.. I will be pretty much good as new.   I will be able to swim and run and play again.   :)   (wagging tail)
I may have a slight limp when I play alot.. but over all I will be OK
  The Doctor gave me a few pain pills to last me until I can get my surgery ...
SO PLEASE Pals.. if you haven't given and could possibly spare anything .. It would mean SO much to ME and Mom & Dad.  Even $10 helps!! 

Here are a few pictures of me waiting at the Vet.    I get SOO excited
I weighed  61.8   :) 

Thats all for now  Gang.. Please check back for more updates..  
Have a great day!!!!     ~~~~ Lolita

Monday, June 1, 2015

Still waiitng ~~

June 1st  2015

Well  we are doing pretty good on my Funds pals.. but we got a ways to go..
  I have an appointment with my Surgeon on  Thursday Morning so he can check me out, and evaluate my leg.  Will  also probably get some blood work too. 
Still hoping we can do the surgery around the  8th or 10th of June. 
Please.. Help if  you can..  Hugs
