Friday, March 13, 2020


March 13, 2020

Hello everyone. Hope your all staying safe and healthy...

Wanted to fill you in on the latest with Lolita, and also ask a question...

I noticed today that Lolita's other Lymph Node on her neck (other side) is now swollen a bit.
This makes me so sad..  It means things are spreading...  
Other than that... I don't see any real negative things happening due to the Cancer they said she may have...  ( remember the needle biopsy was inconclusive)
She lost about 1.5 pounds in alittle over 2 weeks.. but she was getting a tad heavy and I cut her daily food back a bit and she has been at the park a few more times the last few weeks.. so hoping that is the reason for the slight weight loss.
She is remaining between 72-74 

The one thing that IS getting worse and causing her more issue's is her Larynx Paralysis
She coughs/gags  ALOT more now and pants alot more..
This is a horrible Disease!   
We think Delores has the early stages of it too.  
It hits Labs hardest.. but many breeds can get it...  
I worry about this as much (maybe even more) as the cancer.....  
We have their food dishes raised.. but we really need another raised water bowl..

She still gets around pretty good and moves around pretty well at the Dog Park.. but she has a terrible time on the tile floors. There isn't too much left in our house any more.
I have MOST of it covered..   Again, that is why I am asking for the rug on Amazon... 
I am trying to make it as easy as I can for our old girl.....
(and Delores is almost 11, so its good for her too..)

We take it day by day.   

If you can help with any Amazon things we ALWAYS great appreciate it.  EVERYTHING really makes  a huge difference!!!!

I know Lolita's time is limited.... every day is a gift..
I know we will have to make that horrible choice soon.
I am scared to death that when the time comes we won't have the money to do it...  I just hope we do!!

My question is this..

Over the years we have had pets put to sleep.. but we have never kept the ashes...
These dogs are really special tho (we've been through alot together)  and I really think I'd like to get the ashes back.
But I am worried......
HOW do you handle bringing your once happy, soft sweet loving pet home in a box of ash?
I know that sounds morbid... but I always wonder that.??
Are the ashes Loose in a box?? 
If you can't afford to buy a nice urn what do they put the ashes In?
Have any of you "spread" the ashes any place.
We thought about maybe spreading her ashes at a couple of dog parks she liked and then keeping a small amount..
(gosh I'm crying..........)

I just don't know what to do about this.....
I lay awake at night and fret....
I know that once I make the choice its done..
If I just say I don't want her ashes and have them cremate her in a group cremation.. I can't change my mind... but I am so worried I am just gonna be a total wreck if we "bring her home"   
For those of you who have been through this... what did you do??
Did you keep the ashes?
What did you do with them?

Please DM me and give me your input.
I wanna be prepared because when the time comes I won't have much time to decide.

As always Thank You for all the love and support you have given us over the years.
Please continue to keep Lolita in your thoughts...

Much love ~~  Lisa