Friday, June 19, 2015

Hey Everyone!!!

June 19, 2015

Hello Friends. 
Well I made it through my surgery yesterday.   I woke up Thursday Morning, Ordered the  "Meat Lovers Breakfast"  (which I DIDN'T get)  Then a while later some nice people came and pet me and talked to me.. and took me out side to go Potty. Then they brought me in and Stuck a Needle in my leg.. (how rude!)
I started to feel very sleepy.. I THOUGHT maybe it was from starvation for  NOT having any breakfast.. but pretty soon I was off in dream land ... dreaming about my Handsome Boy Friend Coach   :)

Next thing I knew I was waking up to the soft talking of one of these nice people who work here.
I was very groggy... but I still managed to ask what was on the Menu for Lunch.. BOL
She said I wouldn't be allowed to eat until dinner time..   Lucky I was so sleepy or I would of demanded to speak to Management..
 ... Any way.. I slept for a couple of  hours and then I was helped from my cage and a couple of people rubbed my leg with some laser thing to help It heal.
It felt SO nice..  Then they pet me and gave me a bit of water to drink..  Then I slept for a while longer. 
   They took me out of my cage in the evening and  a nice person watched me eat the MEASLEY
portion of kibble I was given..  Sigh... They said  I had to eat LIGHT the first day.. 
    They gave me a couple shots for the pain, so I fell asleep and slept pretty much all night.
Its nice to sleep with out the smell from Delores and Crystal all around me..  BOL
   Today, Friday I woke up much more alert. People keep walking by my cage and saying Hi to me and a few have pet me.

  I got my breakfast.. it was a normal sized portion of Kibble.
Altho I asked for the country Omlete with the Fresh Fruit Salad.... 
Gotta remember to fill out the little "comment card" by my bed...
    I got my laser treatment and went outside to potty.
  Everyone has been very nice and they all say I am such a good happy girl..
   I am ready to go home NOW.. but they say it will be a few more days..   sigh.............
   I am gonna  ask to use an IBONE so maybe I can text you guys alittle bit..
I MISS you all!! 
  For some reason we can't  get pictures to down load on my blog.. So Mom will post one of me on Facebook and on Twitter.
take care everyone..
More later ~~~~  I  ordered a  French Massage and a Pawicure..  SO hopefully they will be coming in soon.       xxxx Lolita