June 17th 2015
Hello, Here's an update
Was very hard not getting my breakfast this morning while the Other 2 Dorks ate. :(
Then Mom was looking a lot like the "Walking Dead" from having to get up at 7:50 in the Morning..
So Mom & Dad Load me in the Van on a gloomy rainy day and take me to the vet.
They tried to weigh me.. but I kept wiggling around so the numbers jumped all over.. but they THINK I gained a pound or 2.. but HEY YOU sit around doing NOTHING for 23 days and see what happens.. Sheesh.
So then we have to wait for the Tech Lady to come talk to us.. I amused myself by wagging my tail, smiling at people and as mom said "making a fool" of myself.
Then a nice lady takes us in back and starts explaining a few things to Mom & Dad
and asks them to sign some paper work INCASE Something happens to me..
Slight chance.. but you never know..
They talk a few more minutes then its time for me to go with the Tech Lady..
I can see Mom is getting a big sad. .. so I roll on my back for a tummy rub from them..
Then refuse to get up.. BOL!!!
They finally get me up and back I go.. Mom was sad .. She tried to be brave.. but I could tell.
OK.. so they take me to my "room" WAIT just a minute............... I asked for the
Jacuzzi Suite with the Garden View???
This is a Cage.. a CAGE for a COMMON Lab... not a Diva like me.. Sigh (remember to
complain on YELP later)
After a while a nice lady comes back and gives me some food.. FOOD? Is my surgery over with already? Was it just some magic wand they waved over me to make me better??
NO... it ends up 2 Vets didn't come in... so MY Vet has to cover their shifts...
SO my surgery is postponed until Thursday Morning.
They asked Mom if she wanted to come back and get me and bring me back tomorrow morning.... but they decided to have me stay here..
They said it would be easier with the NO food rule in the morning and stuff..
(( Yeah RIGHT.. more like MOM doesn't want to drag her lazy butt outta bed AGAIN
Thursday.. sigh)) but its ok.
I will keep busy by smiling and people and looking cute. :)
Keep those good thoughts coming Pals and PLEASE if you can pitch in. we are very VERY close..
Hugs Lolita