Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Lita's Tests ~~

December 3rd 2019

The Vet finally got back to me...

Friends I don't know exactly what to say... The vet said her blood work looked good..    Over all things are just where they should be..
Her White & Red Blood Cell counts look very good.  Her Kidneys are good.. 

She said her liver count is a tad off.. but she figured it would be because she has been on Pain meds for several years to manage her joint issue's.

So.. the Needle Biopsy... 
She said that its kind of "Inconclusive" ?????????

She said she is not seeing any cancer cells SCREAMING out at her... but she said she can't really be sure.
I don't understand this AT ALL...???? I mean why do the test if its not gonna tell you something for sure or not???!!!

She said that because her lump went down so quickly on the Predinesone it leads her to believe that it IS Cancer tho-
She said Predinesone is used in cancer patients some time when they do not want to use Chemo...

So this is what she said we should do....   We should finish out her Pred...
After she is off it, IF  the Lump comes back quickly (within a week or 2) then it probably means she has cancer..... 
If it doesn't come back.. then she probably doesn't....   
This is NOT the type of News I wanted to hear..   I was hoping for a Yes or No..

The Vet said that she doesn't think we should bother looking into Chemo or anything IF Lolita does have Cancer..... because  she said with her age it would probably only extend her life a year (but a year is good at 13 1/2 right???)

She said if we take her off the Predinesone and the lump returns.. then we can keep her on a low does of it and then just watch her quality of life.....
Pals this scares me!!!  
I have read that on Pred. alone the life expectancy is NOT very long!!!!!!

I just don't know what to do????!!!!  Should we take her to a Oncologist and see if THEY know more......
Should we wait and see and risk MORE time going by....???? 
The Specialist is $200 for a Consultation.. so its NOT cheap....
and thats not counting if they wanna do any other tests....  

Oh Man..  This all just worries me more and makes me more unsure..

I'm curious to know what you guys would do??
Private  message me please!!!  

Thank you for listening and helping me...  I think we have a ways to go here yet..

Hugs & Love ~~  Lisa
                                        (( Lita at Vet today ))