Friday, December 6, 2019

Decisions ~~

December 6th  2019

Hi Friends.  As you can probably imagine the past few days  have been full of alot of tears and alot of talking and discussions in our home...
The News we got was not exactly what we wanted to hear... but my husband Paul put it like this...

"I think this news is pretty good really.. I mean her blood work looks great. The vet has said her heart and lungs are strong..  The Biopsy didn't say she actually HAD CANCER.. it just said it was not enough to really be sure..  "         He calls that a pretty good win........

Here's the thing..........  Before we even took Lolita into the vet..  when she had the lump on her neck... She was eating fine, acting fine.. Not throwing up, No runs.. Happy and living a good life..   Now she is on the Prednisone.   She is eating fine, acting fine, Not throwing up, No runs.  Happy and living a good life...   She has weighed with in a pound of her weight now the entire year.. she has not changed her actions at all in 12 months.
(( with the exception of her Larynx Paralysis.. which has got a bit worse the past 4 months or so.. but we were pretty sure that was gonna happen any way ))
The Lump is almost gone now..  

SO ~~ with all this being said.. we think the best thing for her is to finish up the rest of the Pred.  (we have about 17 days left) PRAY the Lump never comes back or stays super small...   IF it does come back.. we will put her on a low dose maintenance and hope things stay status quo...
  Putting her through Chemo at this stage in her life would probably not be wise..  We do understand that it takes alot out of a dog and she is bucking the odds for her normal life span any way...   IF she was a YOUNG dog it would be a no brainer...... but with her age its probably not a good idea..

I wasn't really sure if this was the right thing to do for Lolita until Wednesday when I took her and her sisters to the Dog Park.....

Friends.. I sat there and I watched Lolita run around...  Sniff  all over the park.. play with her ball and smile for pictures!  She is doing well right now.. She is  Happy & she is enjoying her life...  
I sat there and cried.. .. Not sad tears.. but happy tears....  She is such a wonderful girl and we have been blessed to have her so long~~ 
She has given us so much joy and she deserves to live out the rest of her life. .(hopefully along time yet) being happy!  
We will do everything we can to keep her feeling good and playing and being the sweet lab she is for as long as God lets us keep her!! 

I will keep everyone posted as to how she is doing.. And I will let you all know when she is done with the Prednisone.. that is when we all have to say a prayer that the cancer (( IF )) she has cancer doesn't return.... 

I can't even begin to tell you all how much your thoughts , prayers, concerns and encouragement has helped us!!!!   I am so blessed to have so many good friends that care so much about us and help out when times are hard.. We have NO family that does that.. so I really appreciate all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am gonna TRY my best to stay Positive...  I can't say that I won't some times look at her and cry.. or think of the worst things... but I am gonna TRY to push those thoughts OUT of my head and just enjoy her and love her all I can...  
She "told me" she has ALOT more adventures to go on.. and alot more food to beg... so she is not going away any time soon...  

Love to you all ~~ Paul & Lisa...