Well its been 22 days since I had my surgery. I continue to heal well and get stronger every day..
And I get more BORED every day too.
As most of you that know me know.. .I am a very active girl... Laying around is NOT something I enjoy too much.. Its been since MAY 25th that I've been to a dog park..
Every nice day is like a dagger in my heart... (sigh)
I was checked by the Vet again and he said I am looking great.. He said I am a really Happy Girl. (which I am) He said everything is coming along well.. as planned. HOPEFULLY by EARLY August I will be good to go!!
My birthday is Friday the 17th. I will be 9 years old. :) Mom said if the weather is good they will take me some place wadding.. Paws crossed its nice.
Now that my leg is healing.. I am getting out a bit more for longer periods of time.
Mom said it would be longer IF the Mosquitos were not eating her alive.. (not to worry Mom.. I think you have PLENTY to go around) BOL!!!!
Any way...
Here I am in front of my house.. waiting to go.
Here I am walking and getting a little fresh air..
Isn't it pretty tho?? :) I would of loved to swim in there...
Here I am just giving you guys my happy Smile.....
And Now I am annoyed because I am back in my "room" again after only a 15 min. walk.. (come on Mom.. the bugs are not THAT bad) sigh....
Look at that face...... BOL!!!!
Here is a picture of my Owie... not bad huh??
Here are my 2 sisters... the "Gruesome Twosome" jealous of the attention I am getting..
BOL!!! Sorry Losers..... ;)
Well that about it for now Friends.. Hope everyone enjoys the weekend..
I will blog again next week.. Big Woofs of love to you all!!
Love Lolita ~~~