Saturday, July 11, 2015


July 11th   2015

What a good Day.  Mom & Dad took me to a little park in Oswego  (no. not a dog park) but we still had fun!  I was so happy to be out and doing something. its sooo boring inside all the time and just taking short walks around the area by our house. 
    I was very excited in the car waiting to get there..  
Mom and Dad "had" to stop for some lunch First...   (sigh)  they took it to the park and ate it. I got some FRENCH FRIES!!
See me under the table waiting for hand outs..   BOL  
They sure eat SLOW!!!

Finally it was time to do some walking around!!!   Felt really good to stretch my legs.  

Then the BEST part came... Mom & Dad let me splash around in the water for awhile.. Oh what a happy Girl I was!!!

Then Mom couldn't resist a few publicity shots of me..    :)   #Diva    She said I am the cutest Lab in the whole world!

I wanted to stay longer...... but the  Mosquitos were bothering Mom alot.. (Me & Dad were fine...)  sigh...
It was so great to get out.  can't wait to go again...
  I must admit. I was a bit tuckered out on the drive home... 
Dad stopped at my Favorite Gas Station and got me some Biscuits!!  
Then we went home..  
I am resting now in my "room"... 
So glad my Folks took me today..  
Catch ya all next time ~~~
Love     Lolita   ~~