Thursday, September 20, 2012

September 20 2012
Happy Thursday gang..   Hope the week has been good for everyone.  Our days are getting cooler here in Illinois.. Fall is on its way..
Football season has begun and the days are shorter..
 My dad had to have a growth removed from his Finger.. Thank Goodness it was nothing serious.   Mom & Dad have enough to worry about..
  Altho I love Fall I hate to see the warm swimming days of summer go away... 
Mom is very picky about letting me swim.. and basically it has to be over 75' before she will let me. 
   They say there might be a Hockey Strike..  Now that doesn't sound like a good thing.. Mom and Dad like to watch Hockey.. and when they watch TV they have snacks.. and when they have snacks I beg for snacks....  Lets get this settled boys!!!
Have a great day everyone!