Monday, September 10, 2012

I came to live with Mom and Dad on August 29 2006.  Earlier in the year Mom had lost her Chocolate lab of almost 14 years Trixie.. 
   When they brought me home I was 6 weeks old and around 8 pounds.  Mom had 3 little girl pups to choose from.. but she picked ME!   :) 
My Sisters Molly & Elly both went to good homes too and Mom keeps in touch with their famlies as well.. 
   When I first came to live with my folks I had an older Black  Lab sister. Her name was Orion.  She was about 9.  She didn't like me too much at first.. but after a  couple of weeks we became fast friends..  (of course I was SO adorable, who could NOT love me) BOL!!
I was a good puppy.  Slept great and learned quickly.  Before the age of 4 months I was already fetching and bring back toys with great skill.  :o)    I was a great swimmer too!!
   In Feb of 2007 sadness fell over our family.. My Grandma  (Moms' Mom) died unexpectedly . Mom was SO sad and so depressed..  I was always there to give her comfort.
Me & Dad and Orion did all we could to make Mom smile.  Me and Mom passed away many hours at the Dog parks.
     Life was pretty care free and easy those first couple of years.  I went to a White Sox Baseball Dog  Game,  went and stayed over night in Hotels with Mom & Dad.  Loads of Car rides and dog parks..  Good times..
Orion was now over 10 and she liked to stay home with all the comforts and quiet.. so it was just Me Mom & Dad .. 
  Sadly in June of  2009 My big sister Orion went to the Rainbow Bridge.. She was a great Sister and I missed her alot..
That is Orion shortly before she died. 
   I figured "ok, its just me and the folks now"  but I was wrong... Oh so wrong...
In  late June of 2009 My life was to change forever.............
That is when my  Parents brought home a 12 pound 8 week old bundle of Spazzing...
My Sister Delores...   Ok, she WAS cute.. at first.. but as she got older she began to lose her appeal.. She climbed all over me, chased me..  chewed up all my toys and worst of all .. took away some of MY time with Mom & Dad..  
Suddenly instead of the 3 of us.. there was this tag along KID in the car, and at the dog parks..   
But as time went on, we kinda worked it all out.. Now she knows that I AM the  #1 dog around here and she is my under study...
Below is a picture of here right now.   3 years old..
In May 2o12 My Granpa John died.  (mom's dad)  Delores never got to meet our Grandma..
It was another sad time around here, ( he had a terrible thing called Cancer.. I don't know much about it.. but I know its BAD!!)
  Mom & Dad were very sad.. but again I was there to help pull them through.. (Ok Delores DID help some) 
So that is my start in a nut shell.. all the way up to September of 2012... 
Please stop by now and then & catch up.. 
Hugs and Labbie kisses!!!
My Handsome Boy Friend Coach...

Mom And Dad