January 20th 2020
Hi Everyone.. Lolita here...
Hope your all having a super Monday...
Mom took me to the Vet today.. I weighed 72.2 pounds..
I was 73 2 weeks ago.. Mom isn't to concerned.. but she doesn't want me under 71 pounds..
Sadly the lump on my neck has grown back.. so Mom & Dad decided to put me back on a low dose of Prednisone ..
They are hoping a low dose will keep anything from spreading and also the lower dose won't get me quite as hyper or have me peeing quite as much...
I am still eating great and acting fine. I still love going to the Dog Park and going for rides....
So all that is still very good.
Mom is feeding me more moist food now tho- cause my teeth are pretty bad...
Anyone who has ever had dental work done on dogs KNOWS its NOT cheap.....
So Mom is hoping giving me some softer foods will help alot..
Other than that its pretty much status quo here pals....
Please keep sending good thoughts our way and as always.. if you can help with our Amazon list we would be forever grateful...
It really really helps out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a wonderful week everyone.. Stay safe!!
Bark later!!! xoxo ~~~~ Lolita