Friday, January 25, 2019

Pictures Galore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

January 25th 2019

Hey Everyone!!!  Mom's computer was Out of Order for Over a Month.. so the pictures really stacked up.. I didn't wanna flood your time line with all them.. so I figured this would be the best way to Post them..  

I Apologize in advance for any pictures that do NOT include ME....  lol....
I wanted to delete them.. but Mom said I had to post them too..... grrrrrr


Ok.. starting off.
  At the Holiday they had a huge Lights Display at the City park in our town. Its the same park area we have our dog park.    It was so Beautiful!!  
We took a drive through it one night. This is a SMALL sample of what we saw..  Cool huh??

One Saturday we took a long drive.  Mom and dad got out a few times and snapped some pictures...

Needless to say I was NOT Happy about having to wait in the Van.. Seriously.. If Mom would of left the Keys I would of drove away.. BOL!!!

The weather has been SO dreadfully cold.. Mom and Dad have learned that Fashion means NOTHING at the Dog Park.....   ;)

Believe it or not tho.. they DO clean up some times...   (Giggles in paw)

My Sister Crystal is a total GOOF BALL..  She loves her Chuck it ball..  OBSESSED Is more like it..   

I must say tho.. I AM  a bit "in love" with my Tennis ball too.......  (blushes)

Delores doesn't do a lot at the Parks..  Occasionally she will chase a ball.. but she spends  most of her time walking around, sniffing other dogs and looking dorky..... ROTFBOL 

Yes.. I give my sisters a hard time.. but every now and then I let them have the "Thrill" of playing with me.....  
I know that makes them happy...  Altho Sheesh.. Crystal can be such a Pest!!!!

Speaking of Crystal.. I think she MAY be part Kangaroo.  She loves to catch Snow Balls and Man can she jump!!!!

She's also a little brat as you can see below!!!

She sleeps in the oddest places in the van.. NO Idea how this is comfortable!!!

I have No clue what is going on here.. Nor do I want to know.....   BOL!!!!! the pictures you've all been waiting to see.
ME in action.
Oh how I love to run!!   I  know I'm a tad slower than I once was.. but nothing is more fun that stretching your legs at the Dog Park...

You GOTTA keep moving friends!!!!

I love being at the Park!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We also love Van rides and we are ready to go ANY TIME.. ANY PLACE!!!!

For Some odd reason Mom  Loves the Sky.. She is always taking picture of it..
I don't get it.. but  hey.. You know humans..

Here are a few of her pictures over the past 5 weeks..

So.. thats is buddies... I hope  you were not too bored... 
Thanks for checking out  my Blog..  
Sending peace and love to all my friends..
Stay safe and keep happy...

Kisses ~~~~  Lolita