Thursday, July 14, 2016

Getting Closer ~~~

July 14, 2016

Hey Everyone.  Well another day closer to my Big # 10 
My special day started today at lunch time..
Mama got me a cute little Anchor Cookie...  (an  anchor cause my boy friend Coach is a sailor, he has a boat)  isn't it cute?
It was mighty tasty too. 

Later in the afternon they took me to my favorite Gas Station..  Buckys mobil.. They give our doggie treats!!

I love riding in the car.. You never know where you'll end up.  I like to look out the window.  See me smiling..

We went to this little park not far from my house..  Mom took lots of pictures of me.
She says I am beautiful..  (can't argue with the truth) BOL..  I love getting my  picture taken..

It was a lovely day.. a bit humid.. but not bad.  I am SO ready for my Birthday!!!

I thought it was time to go... 

But then Mom let me walk around in the river a bit.. the water is VERY low..

Isn't it breathtaking??

Then the BEST part happened...  Mom gave me a WHOLE HOT DOG!!  Happy National Hot Dog Day Pals!!  It was SOOO good... 

I was SO happy on the way home.. I couldn't stop smiling!!!!

After Dinner I had a good work out in the back yard..
Let me show you my catching skills...  

Not to shabby for an almost  10 year old Labbie huh????

Hope everyone has a great night.. and if you've missed any of the #WeekofLolita Blogs  please go back to July 10th and catch up..

Hugs & Kisses        Lolita  ~~~