Friday, May 29, 2015

Waiting ~~

May 29 2015

Hi Pals...  I wanna thank everyone who has donated to help me get my surgery so far.  It really means the world to Me, Mom & Dad.
  I am not scared about the surgery  (well maybe a TINY bit) But I am mostly scared about NOT being able to get it done..
I want to get it done.. get it over with and get on the road to recovery...
but that can't happen until we raise enough  $$ to make the Vet Man happy and he will do the surgery. 
SO sad that they make you come up with SO much  $ FIRST!
Do they think  EVERYONE is rich??  sigh.

But any way..
PLEASE keep spreading the word around and do what ya can.

Hugs and Wet labbie kisses.   Lita..