Thursday, October 10, 2013

October 10, 2013

Hello everyone.  Hope all my pals are well.
Life is ok around here.. STILL trying to get CJ's surgery...

First of all.... Mom is making me write the comments below... She said it is the PROPER thing to do........  (sigh)
So.. here goes...............

I just wanna say how "" Proud"" I am of my Kid sister Delores...  She was picked to be in a
book.. a  DOG SHAMMING Book...  (( bol ))
Out of hundreds and hundreds of dogs..   She was one of the Approx.  180 dogs picked.... 
Mom & Dad keep calling her their "little Celebrity"  (( gag ))
I suppose its ok if you want to be known as a "BAD" dog...
but any way..
Congrats to Delores...
Check it out below...