Friends, that day has come for me to make my journey over the Rainbow Bridge....
But don't feel too sad for me.. I've had the best life any Labbie could ever wish for! I was blessed with almost 14 years with 2 wonderful parents that spoiled me rotten and made my life as much fun as they could!
I was on a Major League Baseball Field, I stayed in Hotels, I swam at MANY dog parks and chased my ball in lots others.
I've been in stores, the post office a baseball card store and taken THOUSANDS of car rides!!
I've been on Fun day trips and eaten all sorts of tasty snacks along the way!
I over came a torn Ligament in my Leg, a terrible skin rash and lived 7+ months with Cancer.. ((when they figured 2-3 or less!))
I'd say my life was pretty special.
Please look out for my 2 dorky sisters.... and I'm gonna say this .. just one more time....
I DO love them with all my heart and I will miss their silliness and I KNOW they will miss me!!
And more than that.. Please Please look after Mom & Dad. I know me leaving them is breaking their hearts.. but they are making the right unselfish call on my behalf. I understand that.
They will be at my side until I take my final breath and I will always carry them in my heart until we meet again.
I have My Sister Orion & My Real Sister Elly to catch up with! And I can't wait to see Grandpa & Grandma!!
Thank you to everyone of you for the Friendship and all the love & help you gave my family over the years.
I hope you will continue to follow CJ & DJ and keep tabs on their lives..
So gang.. until we meet again some day..
Love to you all and be safe and Live a long Happy life like I did!!!
Forever ~~~~ Lolita the Diva
Taken Monday 5/11 ~~~~
I sit here crying.. not sure how I am gonna go on without my Yellow Beauty... things happened so quick this week.
As you remember Lolita had a great weekend (5/9 & 5/10)
3 dog parks.. I will never forget how happy she looked there at the park with her ball..
But Tuesday she really took a turn ~
She was having alot of trouble getting up and very wobbly when she did walk. We also noticed that her front leg had swollen up. We kept hoping she would turn herself around, but sadly it was not meant to be.
We had her spend some time out in her back yard on Tuesday.. sadly she won't be here to see if we ever get our Fence up.
On Thursday she couldn't get up at all with out us struggling with her (at 72 pounds she is not easy to move)
I spent a good part of Thursday laying on the floor with my girl talking to her and crying..
Her back legs were not working hardly at all and she would whine a bit also when you tried to get her up, which told us she was probably in pain. She was also panting horribly from her Larynx problem.
She seemed so sad and "tired"
We couldn't let her go on like that. We spent a huge amount of time talking about what was best and we decided that a trip to the Vet was needed and we'd see what the vet said.
Paul had to help her out the garage door...... one last time...
Paul had to lift her in the back of the Van..
She couldn't walk so they brought a cart out for her... :(
We prayed, We hoped but the Vet saw what we saw... It was her time... the Cancer was spreading to other area's of her body..
We spent alittle more time with our beautiful girl .. God how we both cried. We told her what a beautiful girl she was and what a good dog she had been .. We told her how much we loved her and said we hoped she had a happy fun life..
Its such a sad sad situation ....
The Vet came in and our Girl drew her last breathe at 5:30 on May 14th. She went quietly and peaceful...
No more pain for our wonderful Diva...
We both felt like our hearts had been ripped from our chests.
Leaving her was So hard!!! I wanted to stay with her forever... Just die there with her... but we had to get home to CJ & DJ. They still have adventures and hopefully LONG lives ahead.
The sky was beautiful on our way home as it welcomed Lolita into Heaven..
We are having a paw print mad on a clay stone and also getting some ink paw pads made...
We are getting her ashes back.. For now just in a simple box (urn) Hopefully I can afford to get her something nicer sooner.
She is being cremated with a tennis ball because there is nothing she loved more.
Good bye my Sweetie Girl. My talented smart lovely Champ.
We will never ever forget you ~~ you brought us SO much joy and love for almost 14 years.
We smiled so much and we were so proud of you.
Run Free, play, swim and enjoy all the warmth of Doggie Heaven. We pray we will see you again some day and kiss your nose and feel your love!!!
Always remember Lolita for the Happy Smiley Girl she was.
Thats how we will remember her for always!!
I'd like to ask you all to Follow Her Sisters (if you don't already) @CJAndDJ2 Their account is blocked.. but do a friend request and we will Follow you.... I don't want to lose any of Lita's friends! I will keep Lolita's account open for now..
Thank you for all the prayers, love and support for her these past 7 months! Its helped SO much!!!!!!
A Tribute in Pictures
Miss Lolita loved her picture taken.. Nothing made her happy than smiling for the camera.
I found some pictures from years past that I'd like to share..
Our First day together
Sweet Puppy!!
There's that smile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She loved her sisters..
She LOVED the Dog Park and her ball!!!!
She was such a Diva..
Puppaccino's were her favorites!
She was always making us smile!!!
~ Lolita~
July 17th 2006 ~ May 14 2020