November 21, 2019
Hello Friends.. Lisa Here.. this is gonna be long.. so please bear with me........
I took Lolita in yesterday for a recheck of that Lump on her neck...
Originally the Vet thought it was an infected Lymph Node.. Lita has bad teeth and she felt that there was probably alot of bacteria draining down in to her Lymph Node.. so she put her on antibotic. She took it for almost 3 weeks.. has 4 days left..
The Vet didn't really even mention cancer in Lita's last visit....
Yesterday she was wondering WHY the lump was not going down after the 3 weeks of meds. So then she says "Well its probably Cancer of the Lymph Nodes"
I was totally shocked.. I was VERY upset about how she was speaking to me...
She was very negative and not at all encouraging.
I said to her "well Lita seems healthy & eats great and is active, so at least thats a good thing that its probably early stages" Her reply.. "NOPE.." then she proceeds to tell me about HER dog that was in Perfect shape and had NO signs of cancer.... they found out she had cancer and she died in 6 months..
Gee.. way to give me ANY HOPE Lady!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So then I asked her "Well couldn't it just be that she has alot of bacteria in her mouth and it is draining and the meds just didn't work (( some times certain medications don't work ))
She's like "No.. I doubt it.. its probably cancer"..
SO then she says we need to do a needle Biopsy and some extensive blood work to see if we can see for sure if its cancer..
$200. I didn't have $200 to spend yesterday.... I only had what I knew I needed for THAT appointment.... not extra...
So I then ask her.. "ok.. so if we get the 2 tests done and it all comes back negative with the biopsy and her blood work looks good, then we should be ok right" "Nope.... Not Necessarily..." So then she says... "I will refer you to an Oncologist....."
Paul was very confused about that.. so he called the Oncologists office and asked him about that.. THEY said IF her blood work was good and the biopsy came back Negative.. then normally they would just suggested keeping your eye on your pet for any odd changes.. and then getting a needle biopsy ever 3-4 months to keep watching out for cancer cells...
So with out dragging this on farther and farther....
We now have to find a way to get Lolita in for those first 2 tests...
Maybe with some luck from God it WON'T show up as cancer..
Altho our "gloom & doom" vet seemed to think it is no matter what I'd say to her..
She even gave me some pamphlets about that type of cancer and the cancer treatment centers.. (( wouldn't you think a GOOD vet would say )) "Hey, lets not rush into anything until we see what these 2 tests come back as)) sigh....
This whole ordeal is terrible.. not only from that stand point we DON'T want our girl to have cancer..... but the money.
As most of you know we are struggling all the time to keep our heads above water... We just had both our Vehicles worked on.... and Crystal is due in January for her blood work and a vet check due to her Epilepsy..
Not to mention just trying to keep everything moving along...
I am scared to death that they are gonna give us options to help Lolita... and we won't be able to afford it and she will have to suffer or be put to sleep sooner than she really would of to be... that will just kill me..
She is such a good girl!!!!!!!! You all see her pictures and video's.. she is happy and active.. She loves playing ball... She loves her life.. she deserves EVERY chance there is!!
I know many of you will suggest a "Go Fund Me" Page.. but honestly.. I don't know if I can do that again..........
We had SO many hateful mean cruel uncaring idiot people slamming us and saying horrible things about us and lying to people.. I lost so many people that I THOUGHT were decent friends due to all the terrible troll comments...
SO I am gonna ask you all this... You know our Paypal is
Right now we only need $200..
MAYBE (please Lord) thats ALL we will really need right now to help her out..
MAYBE the Vet will be wrong and it will just be some other "odd" deal with her Lymph node...
But if you can help It would mean the world to us...................
The vet DID tell us that we SHOULD NOT wait too long to have her tested...
Which is scary when a doctor tells you that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you can't help I understand.. I know the Holidays are near and most of you have family and stuff to deal with..(( No apology or explanation needed )) All I ask of you then is your prayers and thoughts and good vibes....
But I WILL be honest and tell you.. that we won't be able to do this alone .. especially if she has to go through Chemo or other cancer treatments....
Thank you so much for listening and being understanding.... It really sucks when your broke and you have to "beg" others. .. its sickening and degrading.. but we don't really have a choice....
I will keep everyone updated through every single step...
Big hugs and love to everyone from Paul, Lolita & I...