Saturday, August 24, 2019

Picture Time ~

August 24th  2019

Hi Pals.. Ok Seriously.. HOW can it be  the end of August already? Where has this summer gone? 

Hope everyone is doing good and having fun.
I hadn't posted anything since my birthday.. so I figured I'd share some pictures this way tonight..  There's alot of them... so you've been warned!!  BOL!!!!

As alot of you know Mom & Dad had their 25th Wedding Anniversary on The 23rd ~~ 25 yrs.. Its hard to believe that 12 of those years I wasn't even around..  I mean WHAT did they even do for fun with out me??!  hmmm Its a mystery!?  Any way ~~ they were not able to go out to dinner or go away for their special day, so on Saturday ( the day after ) they went to this little park by our house. Can you believe this park is NO DOGS ALLOWED??!!  RUDE!!!!!  As a gift to them I baby sat The Gruesome Twosome  for 3 1/2 hours so they could have a bit of alone time. 
(( I worked my paws to the bone ))  {{ Moms side note.. when we got home Lolita was asleep on the couch and didn't even hear us come in!! }}

Here are a few pictures from the park and of Mom & Dad. (It was windy.. so Mom says excuse her messy hair!!)

They had lunch and played 3 games of Scrabble and walked a bit.. (( I'm sure it would of been MUCH more fun if I would of been there.. but what ever~ ))

Over the past few days we've spent alot of time at the dog park.  I love going there. I never get tired of it.
I just feel SO happy when I'm there!

And of course I never miss an Opportunity to play ball either!!!

Mom always keeps water on hand to keep us hydrated!!

Mom says my tongue looks like rubber!

I know I kid them alot. but I really love Mom & Dad. They are good people!!
Me & Delores with Mom

Here are a few of me and Delores that Mom took.

Here's the  happy couple...  Love 4 Ever  

I'm hoping we get to go to the Dog Park again on Sunday!!! (( paws crosssed ))

Hopefully in a couple weeks I am gonna get to go Swimming.. and then hopefully a couple weeks after that we are gonna take a nice day trip and go visit one of Mom's Friends..  AND go swimming again!!!

We are still working on the Fence.. Believe me.. Mom & Dad want that thing SOOO badly... Takes alot of time to save up!
Thank you to the people who have pitched in some money to help. We have a Special Account set aside for the "Fence Fund"..  so any money for the Fence goes there..   HOPEFULLY VERY VERY soon I will have some news for you all about it getting started!!!!!!!

Until Next time Pals!!  Much Love and Be safe!!!
Kisses ~~~~   Lolita