Happy SuperBowl Sunday everyone!! I had a few people comment that they really liked seeing all the pictures in one space on the Blog instead of so many on their time line.. SO I figured I'd do it again..
After about 4 days of horrible bitterly cold weather #PolarVortex it was finally nice enough to get to the dog park properly!
These pictures are from Saturday & Sunday. It was 42 on Saturday and close to 50 on Sunday ( Fahrenheit ) You can see the difference in the snow from one day to the next.. its going fast.
Sunday it was a sloppy mess.. but we had a blast
Enjoy the pictures ~~~
Boy was I happy to be out at the park playing again!!!!
I just love my Tennis Ball..
I got some great running in over the weekend... Got start getting my Summer Bod ready.. BOL!!!!
Even Delores moved around a bit today... BOL!!!
Altho she spent a good portion of her time Woogling.. Especially Saturday...
Lets face it.. she spent MOST of her time just standing around...
Crystal continues to LOVE to catch snow balls. I gotta admit... she's pretty good at it.. and boy can she jump!! BOING!!!!
And man, does she run.. Reminds me alot of myself when I was a kid.... :)
By the way.. I'm suppose to tell everyone that Crystals 6th Birthday is Tuesday 2/5
(((( yawn )))
Crystal found this squeaky ball at the park and she was going nuts with it..
Here's Me & Mom
And Mom & Crystal (and her icky ball)
And Delores & Mom
Here's Mom & Dad with Crystal & Delores
Here's me and The Gruesome Twosome on Saturday!
We all had a total blast those 2 days!!! Running, playing fetch, chasing each other.. good times..
Mom likes this picture below alot..
Mom really likes this one below too...
Sunday ~~~
Hope you liked the pictures Pals.
Please tweet me and let me know if you like them all in a group like this.. or like them on your time line.. ( When there is so many)
Have a great start to your week...
Love & Hugs Lolita