Monday, August 29, 2016

Happy Gotcha Day to Me!!!!

August 29, 2016

Hey Everyone.. Today is the Anniversary of the day Mom came and picked me out.  :)
I was one of 3 Girls  (mom wanted a girl)  I actually picked HER out...  the minute I saw her I jumped up and begged for her to pick me up..   She did.. and we've been together EVER since.  August 29, 2006 was when I joined my Mom & Dad in Yorkville.  Alot has changed ..  at the time I arrived I had a black older sister named Orion and 4 Cat Sisters.
I also had a Grandpa & Grandma that loved me like crazy.  (they have all went to Heaven now) 
~~~ Now I am stuck with The GruesomeTwosome .. Crystal and Delores...

Any way... I had a very nice day.. ALTHO I was excpecting a "bit more".. but Mom said its not like a Birthday where the WHOLE day is dedicated to ME... Not sure WHY not.. I mean I sure deserve it... BOL!!

Mom too JUST ME to the Dog Park Swimming.. BOY Oh Boy I Iove that!!   No  sisters messing with my ball... No one trying to climb on my back when I swim... just Me & Mama..
I love to go for long LONG swims!!
We stayed about 90 Minutes. I got a great work out..  

I think My ears may of "Shrunk" in this picture.... ROTFBOL!!!

Mom kept wanting me to rest..but I told her.... "I'll rest when I get home... just throw the ball!!!"

As usually Mom had to take advantage of my Natural Beauty and snap a few photo's..
(( its not easy being this adorable))   BOL!!!

We got home and I rested a while.. then later at night Mom & Dad took Me & My sisters to get  White Castle Burgers..   Hold the PIckles.. hold the Onions....   YUM!!!  I tried to order a sack of Cheese Burgers.. but Mom said No...  #Bummer

Next I got a strawberry Sundea which I shared with my 2 Sisters..  (( I am SOOO nice!! ))

Dad  had a few spoonfuls too.. I did NOT approve of that..  but what ya gonna do??

Then we headed Home..Mom got me some Orange Slices too..  Such  a good day..

THANK YOU to my Mom & Dad for always doing their best to make my days special.. and Thank you to all my Anipals for the good wishes..  :)
On another note before I let you go... My Sister Crystal hurt herself some how...
Not sure exactly what she did..  But we think she did it on Sunday.. 
She's been limping pretty badly..   :(
If you can maybe send some well wishes her way. Sure hope she won't need surgery.  Mom And Dad are gonna give her a day or so and see if it seems to get better.. 
Thanks alot..

Until Next time  Pals... Thanks for reading...
Love & Labbie Kisses..    Lolita....   xx

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Delores's Ball Game ~~~

August 16, 2016

OK Gang.. since I"m a "Lab of my Word"... I am now letting Delores "HiJack" My Blog for one day.    Before I go any further I can hear many of you asking yourselves..
WHY isn't Lolita  (the Greatest Lab in the World) at this game instead of dorky, plain Jane Delores..  Well let me explain...
First of all I  HAVE been to this Minor League park 2x..  AND also to the Chicago White Sox MAJOR League Park too  (but thats a story for another day)
Last time I went to this place   there were a few.... how can I put them...  "Incidences"  that have sorta "black listed" me in Mom & Dads Minds..  Nothing major....  I  "May" of been a bit too excited on the field when we walked around before the game.. pulling on my leash, jumping, spinning around. that sort of thing..   And I "May" of gotten a bit silly while sitting on the lawn during the game and rolling down the hill and making a bit of a nuisance of myself to people around us...    and I "might" of  pulled away from Mom and went over to another family and tried to partake in their snacks and refreshments...
And sure I rolled on my back exposed my belly to everyone who wanted to pet me..  NOT a big deal in MY mind..  and I may or may not of "snapped" at a couple dogs that got in my face..  but Hey.. who wouldn't...  but any way....   because of these SIMPLE things.. Mom & Dad won't take me back.. SHEEESH...
SO   ~~~~ .  pour yourselves a cup of Strong Black Coffee.. throw some cold water on your face.. and TRY to  stay awake during  Delores's  ramblings...
Hugs Friends...   xx

Hi Everyone..  Delores June here.   I wanted to tell you about my WONDERFUL night at the Kane County Cougars Baseball game.  This is the 3rd time I've went..  Once with Lolita and 2x with just Mom & Dad. 
Its soo much fun. 
Here I am in the car on the way

 And here I am when we arrived.   Several people came over and pet me and said what a pretty girl I was.  :)

 Before the game you get to go on the Field and they have a "Pet Parade" .. you get to walk all the way around the field while people watch..  I was so happy and So excited!!

They have a section blocked off for dogs to "do their business and get a drink.
I took FULL advantage.  

During the game you sit on this lawn area and there are alot of people and dogs all around you.  Lots of people pet me and I got to sniff noses with alot of wonderful dogs.  :)  

They showed us on the Jumbo Tron 2 times . Look closely.. see if you can spot me

I got SO many good treats to eat and drink.  They gave out biscuits too. I was stuffed!!

I wanted Dad to buy me a Beer.. but he said I was "too young"
Mom and Dad had a good time too  

To ME the BEST Part of the Night was being with Mom & Dad and getting ALL the attention.  I  Love them SOOOOO much!!!!

As the game went on I got so sleepy from all the excitement,  walking  and food..
I have the best Mom and Dad in the world..  Thank you for taking me!!

So that was my night ...     Hope you enjoyed the Story..
And thank you to my Diva sister for letting me post on her Blog..

Hugs & Kisses   Delores.   

OH PS.. In case you were wondering.... the Home Team WON!!!!!